6 years have passed since the events depicted in the first episode. Humanity is now thrown into a bloody civil war between the central government of the Orbitals and the self-appointed Human-Alien Alliance. Kal Wardin left active service in N.O.V.A. years ago and now lives among the colonists of the desert planet Scorpius. But war never spares even the most peaceful places... With its immersive universe, coupled with varied gameplay including single player and multiplayer modes, this game is arguably the new benchmark of the sci-fi FPS genre.
`Epic single-player campaign divided into 12 chapters taking you through hostile, yet amazing environments of various Orbitals
Varied intense, action-packed missions: run, shoot, fall, drive motorbikes, pilot a giant mech
Enter up to 10-player battles in 5 multiplayer modes over 10 maps
Build your career through the ranking & Perk systems
A dozen weapons including new and updated ones, plus special powers such as Freeze, Slow Time and Melee Disc
If you have played the first episode, get rewarded with bonus XP and a special achievement[Source]
QVGA- http://goo.gl/Ot1YO
HVGA - http://goo.gl/ZoKf2
Data File - http://goo.gl/5lWXH
for galaxy mini?
your stupid idiot link is NOT WORKING..please upload your HVGA file on datafilehost.com..
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