While the default font used by Android offers good readability and is quite easy on the eyes, the popular mobile OS provides no built-in way to change it. Some users might want to change the default font to another one to go with their custom theme or app, and Font Changer is a small app that lets you do just that.
Font Changer used to be available only as a paid app but the lite version has recently been made available for free. Both versions let you change the font across the Android user interface and are compatible with our previously featured MIUI interface as well. The paid version costs $1.11 and includes additional features such as the ability to change screen density (not compatible with MIUI), a quick reboot option for applying the font change (not compatible with MIUI), preview of a font before applying it, and user customization options for the elements of some applications. Fonts are not included with either version.
To use Font Changer, your device must be rooted. It should also have system write access (also called S-off and NAND unlock). You can follow our guide on how to achieve system write access on your Android phone. In addition, you must have BusyBox installed. You can follow this guide to download and install BusyBox on your phone.
To install Font Changer, you can search for it in the Android Market, grab it from AppBrain using the link given below, or scan one of these QR Codes for the version of your choice.
Font Changer works with TTF fonts only. To install one, copy it to the ‘.fontchanger’ folder on your SD card and run Font Changer. It will recognize the font allow you to apply it. It does so by copying the font to the system partition, overwriting the existing font there. It automatically takes a backup but occasionally that feature doesn’t work, in which case you can manually restore the font using the stock Android font.
Font Changer works on most Android devices, though in case of Samsung Galaxy S series devices, one has to uninstall the app to restore the font back to the default one.[Source]
Font installer is another application that is similar and also automatically downloads a ton of fonts to your mobile.
Android Font installer is another application that is similar and also automatically downloads a ton of fonts to your mobile.
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